#Vim mac os specify python version for file code
Is there a relation between this small delay I have set and this slow scroll vertically with donw/up keys into vim ?Īnother bug which must be known is that some commented code parts (for example when editing Python code with vim) appears as not commented when scrolling with down/up keys and also the contrary occurs : anyone has already got this strange behavior ? this problem doesn't happen when I browse file with CTRL+F or CTRL+B shortcuts.įinally, I get to increase speed with the following link : So, into the default Terminal of Mojave macbook, I can move quickly with left/right keys on the command line. I have changed into System Preferences the delay between 2 repeated keys to a small value : Highlight DiffText cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=88 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
Highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red Highlight DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red Highlight DiffAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red Set backspace=indent,eol,start " delete with backspace Set autoindent " copy indent from current line when starting a new line Set shiftwidth=2 " number of spaces to use for auto indent Here below my ~/.vimrc: set encoding=utf-8
Maybe threre is a conflict with some options in my ~/.vimrc. I saw and tried to apply different suggested solutions on web but none of these work for me (disable cursorline, using an empty ~/.vimrc, etc …). I don't talk about "mouse scrolling speed" but scrolling with down/up keys. Unfortunately, even for small source files, the cursor is very fast when I browse the current part of file where I am located but it becomes very slow when I am over this current page (the same thing occurs if I am over or lower this part) with down/up keys. I have a new macbook with Mojave and vim already installed. I transfer the original post from StackOverflow ( Original post) to here since this is about Apple specificity.